I developed both the Logo and font for the Sprouting Seed Academy, Inc. It is a Lancaster, California preschool for ages 2-5 inspiring children to grow mentally, physically, and cognitively in a loving and nurturing environment.
This is a logo I created for Frank McCarroll for his karate dojo.
Escape and Evade Logo. This is a log I created for Frank McCarroll for a self defense. He teaches self defense using Karate & Judo techniques.
Here are sample for My coach Joe, a personal trainer who combines kettle bell workout, martial arts and yoga, as well as other techniques in order to get you fit.
Next is the White Lion Co. Logo, A company specialized in creating mobile applications.
Next is the White Lion Co. Logo, A company specialized in creating mobile applications.
The above logos are a concept for a Dog Watching company.
The bottom is the logo for Michael Butruce a Marketing Director.
The bottom is the logo for Michael Butruce a Marketing Director.
Here is the logo and front and back sides of the business card for FFNG Fitness. A fitness and image consulting company.